MAC Counsellor

Krystle King

Associate Counsellor

My goal as a therapist is to meet you along your path and even if it is different from my own, do my best to help you connect with the things that matter to you. It is important to me that my values of equity, kindness, and compassion be fostered within our relationship. I want to contribute to a helpful, collaborative and compassionate therapeutic relationship that will help you learn and grow in a safe and supportive environment. My therapy style is based on the idea that no one knows who you are better than you, so I will be your partner on your path to discovery or change.

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Locations in Giffnock, Newton Mearns, Clydebank and Aberdeen.
About Me
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Her Approach

Who am I?
I am curious by nature and love to explore and learn new things. I think this curiosity is integral to therapy because it is what allows me to walk alongside my clients as we explore new facets of who they are. I am an advocate and a cheerleader. I will encourage and support as you find your way through this crazy world we live in towards your most true authentic self. I am a bit of a nerd and love to read, play with my dogs, go on hikes, love karaoke, and I enjoy a good game night. I believe that I can offer my clients a genuine, non-judgmental, warm space with a bit of playful curiosity that may challenge them to learn and grow throughout our time together. I believe trust and connection to be essential in building a relationship where we can learn and grow together.

I believe in a working from a humanistic/pluralist approach, in other words, I will try to view the problems you face and your world through your eyes. It is important for me to understand what you value in your life and to work with you to achieve whatever goals you have for therapy. I work with people with a number of different concerns. It's important to me that you feel seen. I tailor my approach or techniques to fit your needs because I truly believe that each person lives within their own unique world and there is no one size fits all therapy.

It's my philosophy that people are unique, and we all have our own path on which we tread; however, that path exists inside a world that is created by something outside ourselves. Sometimes when the world forces us to fit a mold it causes discomfort and anxiety. My goal as a therapist is to meet you along your path and do my best to help you connect with the things that matter to you.

Experience and Training

Krystle has a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counselling from University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas, USA. She has been a working with clients in the USA for 5 years. Her training focused on integrative counselling with a focus on humanistic and existential therapies.

Krystle is currently working on completing her doctorate in counselling psychology from Glasgow Caledonian University where she is focused on clinical practice as well as research. Her current research focus is on mental health in the transgender population. She is currently receiving supervision to maintain best practices as she continues her educational journey. She is currently a graduate member of the British Psychological Society.

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