

Roslin has a Diploma in Clinical Supervision and is an experienced Counsellor registered with BACP and COSCA. She has extensive experience in a variety of counselling settings and has worked with a wide range of people of different ages, social, ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

Roslin’s training is integrative which means that she draws upon a range of different therapeutic models when working with Counsellors.

Roslin is able to offer individual or group Supervision to qualified counsellors as well as those in training.


Supervision is there to reflect on client work as well as provide an opportunity to gain greater confidence in understanding the therapeutic relationship.  The relationship between the Counsellor and their Supervisor is fundamental and Roslin would work to ensure that she developed a good, honest, open framework with the supervisee.

Roslin would be happy to meet with prospective supervisees for an initial exploratory session to get a feel for how we might work together.

Her approach in supervision is to offer a professional, sensitive, respectful and enjoyable experience that feels safe to explore anything. She is also able to actively support your professional development. 

What is clinical Supervision?

Clinical supervision is a collaborative process involving observation, evaluation and self-assessment building on the strengths and talents of the supervisee.  Supervision also supports the supervisee in holding ethical and professional standards to promote and protect the welfare of the supervisee and their clients. 

Clinical supervision is something that is a very important aspect of counselling as it helps to ensure that the counselling services offered to clients are reaching their highest potential. It is a formal meeting in which therapists can discuss their work on a regular basis.  It is a chance to gain a little more insight from another experienced professional, but also an ethically important part of practising. At the most basic of levels, supervision means to oversee another individual. 

Why is Supervision necessary?

In the UK, most professional bodies regard supervision as a necessity.  It is essential, both to protect clients and to improve the skills of therapists by working with them to be better equipped to help their clients.

Supervision exists for two reasons:

• To protect clients
• To improve the ability of counsellors to provide value to their clients.

Supervision protects clients by involving an impartial third party in the work of a counsellor and client, helping to reduce the risk of serious oversight and helping the counsellor concerned to reflect on their own feelings, thoughts, behaviour and general approach with the client.

These opportunities will reflect on how the counsellor can relate to their clients, as well as garner insights from the perspective of another therapist, It also helps the counsellor to improve the value they are providing for their clients.

What does Supervision mean for confidentiality?

A practice of supervision means that many details provided by clients are shared with people other than the counsellor who is concerned. However, overall client confidentiality is still safeguarded because:

• Individually identifying information (such as a full name) is not revealed.

• Information shared in supervision is itself protected under a contract of confidentiality and normally may not be shared outside the supervision relationship.

This ensures that the information can’t be traced back to the individual that it relates to, and that information will not go beyond the relationship, except in exceptional circumstances.

Who needs Supervision?

Any counsellor or psychotherapist, regardless of experience, will require supervision. A client who encounters a therapist working without supervision should properly consider carefully whether they wish to work with that therapist.

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