Podcast Host

Paul Mulholland

MAC n Chat Podcast Host

Who am I?
People who know me would say that I have a desire to help real people solve real-world problems. I have a passion for storytelling and engaging with audiences through the power of audio.

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With a background in construction, having started my working life labouring, I am now part of a successful commercial scaffolding company Lyndon SGB where my role is ensuring the effective on-boarding of new clients which focuses on growing and developing existing clients as well as generating new business.

I am also heavily involved in the Companies Mental Health & Wellbeing team for the Glasgow branch.  I have seen the effect and challenges in and around the construction industry and the impact this has had on people’s mental wellness and how important it is to help others overcome their challenges by being able help others to open up and talk about how they feel.

However, my main interest is in music. I have worked in and around the West of Scotland entertainment industry from the age of 17 starting as a DJ, to hosting radio shows and now successfully producing music as an artist – recording under the name of St Jude and have had several tracks go to the top 5 in the Traxsourse Chart.

His Approach

As the host of MAC n Chat, I will be creating engaging and compelling content, conducting interviews, and facilitating thought-provoking discussions on a wide range of mental wellbeing topics. Ultimately, I want to engage with our listeners and build a loyal community around the podcast.

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Couples/Relationship Counselling

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Why is it important for men to learn about the menopause?

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